This is a section in my blog where I report on what has happened during my studies in the subject Digital Media Technologies (DMT).
If anyone who is also a part of the subject at UTS would like to add to my comments, please do - I enjoy online collaboration :-)
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W01: Subject Overview
ReplyDeleteOur first week was interesting. As I recall the class started very late and no one had access to the computer lab in building 4. Viveka had to get the Security Guard to let us all in, including himself.
Once we were in the class and finally underway, Viveka explained to us all what the subject will be about and how we can choose the digital media technologies that are most interesting to us and that suit our skill levels (for increasing them of course).
I was thinking that I really want to concrete my knowledge, skills and understanding in regard to XHTML and want to use the Strict format of that markup language. I love CSS and I hope to utilise that in a way that is clean and easily maintainable.
Javascript interest me a lot and I really want to learn more about this programming language. By incorporating it into my project idea, I will in effect be creating DHTML.
The other BIG thing that I want to learn is Server-Side technology. I know nothing about server-side, and I feel weak for it. I believe that there is great strength and power in knowing how to design, create and use database's on the server-side. I'm excited to think that I will be learning about this technology. I guess PHP or Python will be the language to learn to access and query the DB.
W02: Subject Overview
ReplyDeleteIn week two, if I recall correctly, we looked at the basic structure of HTML and how to construct a basic webpage. For me, this is pretty easy and I think my skills regaring client-side technology pretty staight forward. It the server-side that freaks me out a bit! (that's next week).
I have to say though, connecting to rerun was a bit confusing for me. I have my own web server (50webs) that I use. It give 60Mb of uploads for free, once you have uploaded 60Mb of data, you will have to subscribe to upload more. If you subscribe to 50Webs, I believe that their web server also includes server-side scripting features... I still have to look into this and learn about it - I got to build a schematic of the process in my head before I can really understand how it all works.
During this class, we were also told to write the Learning Proposal, of which there was a template that we (students) could use. I made my own, and uploaded it to my free web server, based on the criteria that Viveka provided in the HTML template (data, not structure).
I really enjoy client-side technologies such as XHTML and CSS. Most of the time I usually type in the HTML and CSS rather then use a WYSIWYG editor - their good and fast, but they do carry a lot of baggage :-P
My online learning proposal can be found at: Carl's awesome Learning Proposal :-)
ReplyDeleteLet me know what you think - remember, I enjoy online collaboration :-D
W03: Subject Overview
ReplyDeleteThis week I learned more about Client-Side technologies. More of what I posted in my last post.
I enjoy client-side :-)
W04: Subject Overview
ReplyDeleteI'm in class right now, but class has not started yet. I watched the video on Server-Side Technologies, of which the content is a little new to me. I hope that I can keep up with what ever the tutorials are in class today.
After watching the lecture video, I guess I need to look into PHP and MySQL - plus I need to find a web server that provides the technology. I feel as though I can't explain myself clearly yet regarding this server-side technology because I don't know enough about it yet, and it's very hard to find the time to investigate it.
After viewing the lecture video, I think I need to look into this thing called MAMP (M=Mac, A=ApachE, M=MySQL, P=PHP). So much to learn and so little time... (
Well, to continue with my W04 experience... NOT GOOD. I was trying to do the tutorial where we do some basic PHP, however my web server is down (has been down for almost a week now) and as such I don't have access to my website (FTP). So I tried to create another website, to find some free web-hosting. I looked into the list that was provided to us (DMT'er) of free web hosting, tied one ( and the damn thing is so confusing! Made my W04 experience really unpleasant... plus I ended up getting NOTHING done. Not so happy this time round.
ReplyDeleteW04: Cont.
ReplyDeleteAfter chatting to Oanh regarding my Learning Proposal, I think I can reduce the scope of my project idea. I am now thinking of taking out the design aspect of the site I want to make and instead concentrate on the Server-Side scripting of the project.
I really want to know how to create a DB (MySQL) and how to use PHP to access the DB.
Will be handy for me professionally too as I can help out with PHP at work once I have that base knowledge - and that give me a fantastic opportunity to continue my learning and understanding of the technology!!! :-D
W04: Cont.
ReplyDeleteI've had a play with PHP, doing the tutorial, getting a mistake or two and learning why I had the mistakes.
I was fortunate enough to have a colleague show me some simple, but critical PHP including creating variables, using the _REQUEST array, getting a value from an input field in a form and testing to see if it turns a condition true or not... Anyway, I have experiences some PHP, but still need some time to learn and understand it properly (I think that goes without saying).
I think I am getting closer to understanding what it is that I want to achieve with my DMT project. My Learning Proposal does need to be re-written. I hope that will be OK (Oanh?).
ReplyDeleteI got this new web space from and it has a lot of good features for free. Features that I need to learn my technology (PHP & MySQL) for DMT!
I have published my final learning proposal and thanks to Clair O'Rouke, have also cancelled that annoying analytics code that 000webhost append to all of the pages in the website.
ReplyDeleteYou can find my final learning proposal here:
W05: XHTML and CSS
ReplyDeleteWell, I have enjoyed todays class. I already have a good understanding of XHTML and CSS, however I still learned some really cool things from todays class.
I was not aware of the "media" attribute that goes in the LINK tag, nor was I aware that multiple CSS documents could be created and linked to one HTML document and selected at will for different appearances. I thought that that was very cool - inspires me even more.
I love web!!!
W05: Macro and Micro Analysis
ReplyDeleteTechnologies that I need to investigate are PHP and MySQL. I am very interested and excited about learning these technologies, and how they will apply to my project. This assessment (Macro & Micro Analysis) seems like a very good format to elicit the knowledge needed to undertake such a technical project as the one I want to do (see:
I need to find out about MySQL first, as I believe that PHP will follow that because I already have a bit of an idea about how PHP is used to access server-side technology such as MySQL, so learning about the server-side technology first just makes sense to me. I am still very much in a cloud about my technologies, and that is why I am excited about this assessment because I get a reason to clear up my understanding of these technologies.
W05: Macro and Micro Analysis - RESEARCH
ReplyDeleteI feel like I've been doing a lot of reading and not getting any real work done. However, that been said I do have a better overall idea about my two chosen technologies (PHP and MySQL).
On a macro level, I have learned who 'invented' PHP and why it's called PHP (Personal Home Page). PHP was developed into a scripting language and is based on C programming language. MySQL was about 4 other different types of databases before it became MySQL. The two guys who developed it (Monty Midenius & David Axmark) developed it because they (really it was Monty) could see a lot of redundancies and they wanted to document and make a database as user friendly as possible.
I'll discuss this better in my Macro/Micro Analysis report.
Cool stuff, but the learning curve will be steep!
ReplyDeleteAs I research my technologies, I am having some trouble trying to understand how the technologies fit into the big picture. I'm looking into MySQL and PHP, and so far a LOT of my time has gone into producing circa 400 word about MySQL. During my research, I have come across several other technologies that relate to MySQL, including SQL. It has been said that SQL is a DBMS (database management system), and MySQL is a RDBMS (relation database management system). But as far as I can tell, MySQL, come in two parts (I think), the MySQL database itself, and the MySQL software used to access the database(s). Even as I write this, I'm still not 100% sure that my understanding is correct.
Is MySQL a derivative of SQL? SQL, being a verbose language that reads like normal English, while MySQL is written in C and C++ languages but somehow 'handles' the SQL. Is MySQL an interface to a SQL database or is MySQL the actual database?
I am so short on time. I know that some might tell me to find the answers in forums, or that I need to do more research or something along those lines, but as I work full-time, have a pregnant wife, have students of my own that I need to teach, manage and mark, plus fit in time to attend UTS classes... where on earth can I find the time to do more research???
I feel like I'm going crazy... hope I have time to find out what I need for PHP.
UPDATE: Regarding previous troubles...
ReplyDeleteWell, I still am unclear about MySQL and how it fits in with the big scheme of things, however after chatting with Viveka and Oanh tonight during class, I do feel a little bit more calm about the whole ordeal.
I am a little more confident that I will succeed with my Macro/Micro analysis.
However, for now, I need to just sit back and take some time out. I do look forward to concluding this assignment though.
W07: PHP and MySQL
ReplyDeleteInteresting times. Finding it hard to find the time to do all that work, family and UTS demand.
I am excited about learning PHP and MySQL, and the research that I have done has been very interesting, but I just have not had any time to practice any PHP, at least not to the extent that I want to. I am looking forward to finding some time to do the week 7 tutorials, tutorial that should help me understand the basics behind PHP and MySQL, the key building blocks to my project idea.
W08: JavaScript
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that it's week 8 already! I also feel to tired to blog right now... Maybe God will give me some energy soon :-)
W08: JavaScript
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I really enjoyed class tonight. We did some JavaScript tutorials in class, and like me I didn't follow the 'script' to the tee, but I did some really cool stuff. I did the tutorial where we used JavaScript to change an image when the user either clicked or rolled over a thumbnail image, but I decided to take it a step further.
What I did was create a timer that incremented an integer variable every two seconds, when the integer variable reached a particular value, I told it to change back to 0 (zero) and start the increment again. Each time the integer variable incremented, I checked a case statement (a switch), and automatically changed the image on the screen. This way, the image on the screen would change with no user input (triggering an event) and a kind of 'slid show' was presented, caught in an endless loop.
Very cools stuff - I was very happy with myself.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a lack of wanting, but I am finding it very hard to find the time to 'play' with my chosen technologies, PHP an MySQL. If someone was to ask me to set up a MySQL database and use PHP to access and manipulate the data within it, right now I don't think I could.
I am worried that I am not going to achieve all that I want to achieve. My life right now is BUSY, I have a full-time job teaching IT and Multimedia at a vocational level, I teach circa 20 hrs a week as well as manage students, consult with students, create, right and amend curriculum course-ware. Even though my Master degree is to benefit my working environment, my supervisor does not want to allow me to research and practice these technologies. I should be given the time to do so because in my contract it says that I am allowed time to read up on and investigate different technologies.
Anyway, I'll just have to try to soldier on and manage everything on my plate.
P.S. I have not mentioned anything in this post about my personal life of which is also very busy as my wife is less than 6 week out from giving birth to our first child...
I still have not had a chance to work on my PHP/MySQL project... I really hope I can find some hours this weekend to do something about it.
ReplyDeleteI still need to design the actual database (on paper), then build and integrate it... The testing side of it all is still a mystery to me, I don't know what kind of problems I may encounter yet. I hope to go over the PHP and MySQL tutorials again, and find some more 'easy to follow' tuts somewhere online (maybe at
Hello everyone,
ReplyDeleteSo that you all know, there seems to be a problem with one of the links in DMT Subject Material:
The problem lies with the middle link ( - it does not exist.
Viveka and Oanh, I have a problem...
ReplyDeleteWhere do we post our System Plan link? I can't find anywhere in UTS Online where we're supposed to post the link.
In the meantime, here's my link:
System Plan
I'm freaking out! So much to do and no time to do it all :-(
ReplyDeleteI've been putting in a lot of time trying to learn PHP and MySQL, but as a result of trying to learn the technology, my actual project is suffereing.
ReplyDeleteI find that I really enjoy PHP and MySQL, but the learning curve is steep. Considering that I have a full-time job, a 4 month old baby at home, the only one in my family with a drivers license and that I also have to do this project - I just find it so difficult to manage my time.
Wow, what a difference a few days make!
ReplyDeleteI have the basic functionality of my PHP / MySQL site operational. It was tough getting it to this state but I am very happy with the current result.
I was having trouble at first because I was trying to set and pull down variables that I was staring in a $_GET global array, but that was so difficult to get working. I was just not able to pull the values around the the different pages.
Anyway, after talking with a colleague at work, I asked him if using either the $_GET, $_POST or $_SESSION array was the best option - and it is the $_SESSION. The session can be set and retrieved any where, any time while the user has the browser open. Once I realised this, I felt like GOD! The power I now have over my site is awesome :-)
Well, at the moment I can have people join my site, log into my site, my site also checks to see if an email address already exists in the DB to ensure that each user is unique. Also, some pages are dynamic in the sense that if a user is logged in, they have extra menu items and features, plus the home page is different - changes from a welcome page to a greeting page if user is signed in.
ReplyDeleteI'm really starting to have fun with these technologies now that I am starting to understand how it works.
I still have to make my site look good, at the moment the appearence is very basic and content is minimal.
I still have to work on the "discussion board" section of the site (accessable to member). At the moment I have just chucked in an iframe and am displaying my blog (this blog) in there - however the problem with that is that the iframe does not validate using the XHTML STRICT DTD.
I should have the site all but finished come the end of this coming weekend :-)
Huh, here I am working in my discussion board and everything is working very well when I realised that the function I created to get messages from my database and then echo them out to the screen was also echoing out the 'html containers' that I created for the database information to be place and formatted in - the problem with that is that I was referring to my html elements in my CSS by the element ID attribute.
ReplyDeleteThis means that by having a container (such as a DIV element) with the id of (lets say) 'container', then each time I looped through to echo out the container with the data from the database, I was effectively recreating the div element with the same id name over and over again - AND THAT DOES NOT VALIDATE because an id must be unique for the page (can't have it more than once in the same HTML page).
THE SOLUTION: use a class instead!!! ;-)
DAMN!!! I feel GREAT at the moment. My PHP site is coming along very well.
ReplyDeleteMy discussion board works, my client feedback section works, my log-in scripts work and passwords are secure (see MD5()), I can update data... I'm just so happy at the moment.
The amount of dedication I have had to give to this project was more than I thought it would be, but I feel somewhat satisfied at the moment.