Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An initial project idea...

Self Promotional Website

I've been thinking about it and I don't have a self promotional website, a place where I can really showcase my skills to the world and prospective clients and employers. I think that I can design a site that is like an online portfolio but with more substance. I want users to feel like they are a part of my website too.

To achieve this I think I would include the follow as a feature set in my site:

  • List of and demonstration of my skills

    • Platforms (PC/MAC)
    • Multimedia

      • Photoshop
      • Illustrator
      • InDesign
      • Flash
      • HTML
      • Javascript
      • Sound
      • Video
      • 3D (Max - PC based)
      • Instructional/Interactive Design

  • My Universities (SCU & UTS)
  • My Blog

    • Public discussion blog/forum (BACK-END)

  • Tutorials (only for members)

    • Need to find out about the reproduction (©) of ADOBE software interface elements (i.e. screen shots & edited screen shots

  • Games (SWF)
  • Guest book
  • RSS Feeds (of interesting things)
  • Maybe some space for future advertising (maybe make some cash on the side)
  • My Profile

    • About me with picture
    • About my family with pictures (members only)

  • Join my site/become a member...

The above might be a tall order, and I will need some back-end, server-side stuff happening so that I can have members and so that those members can have special privileges within my site (i.e. access to specific areas, write privileges to the blog area...).

I wonder if I can do this???
P.S. Sorry for such a big read :-P


  1. Hi Carl,
    I think your idea is great, but I'm curious what kind of website do you want to make?a forum?or a personalized homepage like igoogle?what about Iphone applications?because I think it's really popular now...

  2. Actually... good question. I'm still thinking about it but I think I'm going to go for a self-promotional website with optional member sign-up options, tutorial sections for members and forums for discussions also for members.

  3. This was my first idea, but I have dropped it.
    I'm thinking of making a website targeted towards adult students (vocational and higher-education) where they can come and share their experiences learning and living in Sydney (and/or other areas of Australia too). It would be culture based, a place where students can share their experiences.
    I'm not sure if I can pull it off because I have no back-end database skills, I'm pretty much all front-end! When I think about venturing into back-end technology I feel a little apprehensive about it. I wonder if I can manage my time enough to learn this technology... hmmm?

  4. I've been thinking about who my target audience would be for my self promotional website and I've broken them down into 3 categories:
    - Primary: Possible Employers
    - Secondary: Multimedia Practitioners
    - Tertiary: Students or people who want to learn how to 'use' multimedia software apps (i.e. Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash...).

  5. It is so cool!I do not even know what to say...
    You are my role model!

  6. Hi Munan

    Thank you very much, but I don't think I'm worthy of being a role model yet... But I'd like to try to stand up to the complement :-D
